The Health and Safety Committee: Co-Chair: Sr. Trainor-Schmidt (Currently LOA) ,Sr. Walker (Filling in for Sr. Trainor-Schmidt), Sr. Montgomery, Sr. Howard. Sr. Gagnon (Alternate) and Sr. Prusky as president may sit in as Alternate if necessary.
Members that are Trustees Sr Cavaliere, Sr. Cordell, Sr. Koprash
The Grievance Committee: Sr. Prusky, Sr. Paquin, Sr. Madsen
CUPE Counsel: Sr. Prusky, Sr. Montgomery
Stewards: Sr. Madsen, Sr. Gauthier, Sr. Montgomery, Sr. Policchio, Sr. Callegari, Br. Yates
Roles and responsibilities of the Committees:
Health and safety representatives/joint health and safety committees
The health and safety representative, or the joint health and safety committee (JHSC) where applicable, contribute to workplace health and safety because of their involvement with health and safety issues, and by assessing the effectiveness of the IRS. More information on the roles of the joint health and safety committee and the health and safety representative can be found in this guide and the Guide for joint health and safety committees and health and safety representatives in the workplace.